About Our Community

Who We Are

We are CoLabUS – The Company Lab US.  We are a nationally branded co-working community designed to enrich each neighborhood in which we reside.  We partner with the local business community and governmental entities to provide a method of developing each community into a more viable, vibrant working community.


What Works for YOU

Every CoLabUS community has an educational component designed to help high school and college students and others grow their understanding of technology – or TechKnowledgy. There’s also an economic development component to each community.

Why Choose Us

Fast Internet

We are proud to present two levels of internet service to our members. We prodive a basic fast internet level, and a superfast, more secure level of service.

Tea and Coffee

Through our GrindUS brand, we provide our members and guests with coffees and teas from around the world, particularly from Africa.

Conference Room

CoLabUS conference rooms allow the latest in video conferencing capabilities and comfort. Stream training and meetings worldwide.

Multipurpose Rooms

Because our walls are completely mobile, we can configure our facility to accomodate meetings and training sessions of various sizes.


We also have the latest in video capture and streaming equipment so that you futher your branding through LinkedIn, Instagram, or any social media sites.

Mail Services

Our address is your address. You may send and receive mail and packages as part of our expanded services

Virtual Coworking

Even when you're not in a CoLabUS bricks and mortar facility, collaborate via our virtual coworking servers and continue to enjpy our numerous benefits packages.

Free Parking

We offer free parking for all of our community members. Our parking is 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

Controlled Access

If you're experiencing a sleepless night, through our app and controlled access, you can access the CoLabUS facility.

Security Cameras

And if you are working and collaborating into the early morning hours, cameras throughout of community provides additional comfort.

Meet Our Team

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Derek P. Pollard


Cynthia Williams


Tomasz Heaton

Web Developer

Alessia Singh​

SEO Manager

Our Member Profile

Suspendisse consequat ante nec dapibus euismod. Donec semper leo massa, nec molestie odio laoreet a. Nullam quam nibh, volutpat eu ex ac, tristique.
Silvia Wood
Model Agency
Mauris placerat sodales suscipit. Nam gravida tortor ac dui posuere, eget ultricies sem fermentum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis.
Tomasz Heaton
Web Developer
Ridiculus mus. Proin tempor semper mauris, sit amet dictum sem rutrum quis. Phasellus congue laoreet nulla. Pellentesque aliquam elit ante.
Alessia Singh
Ridiculus mus. Proin tempor semper mauris, sit amet dictum sem rutrum quis. Phasellus congue laoreet nulla. Pellentesque aliquam elit ante.
Hakim Callahan
Business Consultant
Suspendisse consequat ante nec dapibus euismod. Donec semper leo massa, nec molestie odio laoreet a. Nullam quam nibh, volutpat eu ex ac, tristique.
Hannah Dupont
Mauris placerat sodales suscipit. Nam gravida tortor ac dui posuere, eget ultricies sem fermentum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis.
John Braun

Our communities are a collective of amazing people.

Each one of our members has a vested interest in the CoLabUS community.  We provide a vital service to each community in which we thrive.  Many of the communities in which we operate have pent-up demand for meeting space and other typical services enjoyed in other neighborhoods.